1949 Family Tree

1949 Family Tree

Jachit and Herschel had 8 children, with 7 surviving, marrying, and having children. Click on any of the 7 to see their descendants. To protect everyone's privacy, these pages are password protected. Contact me by email to receive the password. In most cases, these trees are incomplete. You can help fill in missing information. Note: these are simplified trees, with only names and dates of birth and death. You can find more information, including documents and photos, online at such websites as geni.com and ancestry.com. 

Jachit Donner        m. 1875    Herschel Breitowich
ca 1854 – 1929                              ca 1858 – 1930
8 children
          A Shprintsa        m. ca 1896    Moshe Breitowich    
             1876 – 1916            1881 – 1941
          B Alter (Jacob)         m. 1899    Fannie Feit    
             1877 – 1953            1879 – 1953
          C Hannah Gietel    m. ca 1900    Zische Fuenfer    
              1880 – 1961            1875 – 1955
          D Joe (Israel)        m. 1907    Celia Feit    
              1883 – 1966            1887 – 1972
          E Mechel        m. 1914    Leitcha Weiss
             1884 – 1934            1893-1986
          F Frimit        m. ca 1910    Herman Neu
            1888 – 1968            1890 – ca 1943
          G Anna (Itta Shaindel) m. 1916    Paul (Feit) Weinstein
             1891 – 1973            1893 – 1966
          H Tzivia    ca 1890 - 1890


Most of these relatives are buried in Waldheim Cemetery in Chicago. Here are pictures of their gravestones.