
Jachit and Herschel lived in the small town or shtetl called Jablonka in the province of Galicia. Until World War I, Galicia was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire; now it is part of Poland. The following excerpts from Feits and Breitowiches: from Galicia to Chicago tell about their life in Jablonka and how most of the family came to Chicago in the early 1900s. 

Images from Jablonka, Poland, July 2017


Synagogue at Lesko, where Hannah Gietel and Zische Fuenfer were married

Images from Bukowsko

Poland today, with outlined area showing Galicia


Area in Galicia where the Breitowiches and Feits lived


                    Location of the villages of Jablonka and Bukowsko, near Lesko, Sanok and Krosno, Poland                     (Scale: 1 inches = about 4 miles)


For more information about the family's history in Galicia, you can read excerpts from Feits and Breitowiches: from Galicia to Chicago:

Jachit and Herschel from Galicia to Chicago

The Feit family in Galicia: Three of Jachit and Herschel's children married into the Feit family, who lived in nearby Bukowsko.

Here are links to information about our trip to Poland in July, 2017. 

Bukowsko and Jablonka in 2017
